What are the 10 Input Devices ? || Input Devices..

input device


An input device can be defined as an electromechanical device that allows the user to feed data and instructions into the computer for analysis, storage, and to give the commands to the computer. Data and instructions are entered into the computer’s main memory through an input device. 

Input device are classified in to the following categories.

  • Keyboard device
  • Point & draw  Input device
  • Scanning Input device
  • Voice recognition Input device
  • Vision- input device


keyboard device
 The most familiar means of entering information in to a computer through typing writer key board. That user to enter alphabet and numeric
information directly. A general purpose keyboard used today has one zero one (101) key with traditional (QWERT) lay out. Now a days it is coming with one zero four (104) Number of key. It is contains of the following things.

In Keyboards user put data into a computer system easily.


Pointing and Draw device are Given bellow

a) Mouse 

b) Trackball

c) Joystick

d) Touch Screen 

e) Light Pen 

d) Touch Pad

a) Mouse 


It is one of the input device used into or information by clicking on it. It is also called as pointing device. Mouse as first time used in 1976 from Apple computer. Usually a mouse contains two or three buttons, whish can be used to input commands or instructions.

What are the uses of a mouse ?

It is used in c licking & double clicking
It is used for selecting.
It is used in drawing.
It is used in pointing.
It is used in dragging.

b) Trackball

Trackball is a pointing device is an inverted mouse. A track ball is just like a turned upside down a mouse. The ball is rolled by fingers to move the cursor around the screen. A track ball requires less space than a mouse for operation because the whole device is not moved for moving the curser. It is often attached to or inbuilt into the keyboard. It is also work like a Mouse.

c) Joystick

Joystick is a vertical stick that moves the tropic cursor in the direction stick is moved. The moves of ball can be move, left or right, forward or backward, move the position cursor in directed location.


It Generally Use In the select point cursor used in video games, training simulators & control panels uses of stick.

d) Touch Screen 

touch screen

A touch screen is probable one of input device. It is uses sensors in near the computer screen that can be delete the touch of a figure on the screen. Touch screen is normally used to touch the screen. Touch screen is normally used to access the information with minimum effort. However, it is not suitable for input of large amount of data. Typically, they are used in information-providing systems like the hospital, airlines, railway reservation counters, amusement parks, etc.

e) Light Pen 

light pen

The light pen is a small input device used to select the display objects on a screen. It is function with light sensor and lens on the pit of a pen shaped device. Using light pens, the user can interact more easily with applications in such modes as dragging and dropping or highlighting. It is very popular for graphic work in engineering like CAD (Computer Aided Design).

d) Touch Pad

touch pad

A touch pad is a touch sensitive input device which takes user input to control on screen pointer the perform of that mouse. There mostly found in notebook, and laptops, the prime design sensor, they used figure and capping combination to multiple control operations.

Scanning Input device

OMR- Optical Mark Recognition

OCR- Optical Character Reader

MICR- Magnetic Ink Character Recognition

OBR- Optical Barcode Reader

ECR- Electronic Card Reader


The OMR device scan marks from a computer readable paper. It is used by universities & institution to mark sheets select the candidate correct the multiple choice question in the answer sheet of the paper.


The OBR coded in the form of small vertical lines of bar coding. It is used to shopping makes. Identify the books, merchandise in stores, postal packages, figure shows bar code use on a book identification ISBN(Identification Standard Book Number).


It is used to type write letters. The device used for this technology is called optical reader. In the OCR system book or a magazine article is fed directly into an electronic computer file.


MICR like an optical mark recognition device and used you processing the banking, industries, banking using MICR technology. Print check books types of paper identification code, account number, identification code, account number, check number, MICR readers used read check and deposit.


ECR are the input devices that also direct in to a computer system. The ECR is connect to a computer system reads the data as in coded in electronic card and transform to the computer system for further processing. 

Voice recognition Input device


One of the most exiting areas of research the recognition an individual human voice basic of input to the computer system user speaker in to microphone to input data1 spoken words convert the analog to digital from the data. Most popular VRD are microphone, headphone.

Vision- input device

Vision input device allow data input in the form 

image with sound at a time to the computer. It 

is usually consist digital camera creates the image in digital form with in computer. Example- web camera, video camera.


web camera
A web camera is video capturing device attached to the computer system using a USB (UNIVERSAL SERIAL BUS) for video conferencing, video security in gaming.


video camera
An electronic devices that captures and records motion pictures. One frame at a time each frame is captured as a  series of horizontals lines, the number of which delete middle the fundamental visual quality of the image.

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