Generation of computer , First generation to Fifth generation of computer, CPU, UPS, IT full form


GENERATION-1 (Time-1946-1959)

Hardware-Vacuum tubes

Software- Machine language (binary digit/binary language)


High speed electronic switching devices, memory type was electro bulky in size, generated a large amount of heat frequent technical fault. Required constraint maintenance, used for scientific purpose, air conditioning required.


GENERATION-2 (Time-1959-1965)

Hardware: Transistors

Software: High level language.(Fortran, Cobol, Algol)


Better electronic switching device than vacuum tubes, made off Germanium semiconductors, memory time was magnetic cores, power full and more reliable, easy to handled, much smaller than vacuum tubes, generated less heat as compared to vacuum tubes, used for industrial and commercial data processing, air conditioning required.

Example: IBM (International Business Machine)

                 LARC (Lie more Automatic Research Computer)

GENERATION – 3 (Time-1965-1971)

Hardware: IC-(Integrated Circuits)

Software: high level language PL/1, PASCA-2, BASIC, VB, C, C++, C#, JAVA.


ICS was smaller than transistors, consumed less power, less heat as compared to transistors, more equitable and faster than earlier generation, capable of performing about one million instructions per second, large storage capacity, used for scientific and commercial purpose, air conditioning required.

Example: Mainframe computer, mini computer

GENERATION-4 (Time-1971-1980  

Hardware: microprocessor made up of large scale integration circuits (LSI) and very large scale integration circuits (VLSI).

Software: Advanced JAVA (J2EE, JDO, JAVA Beans): PHP, HTML, XML, SQL.


 Microprocessor had control on logical instructions and memory; semiconductor memories; used in LAN and WAN to connect multiple computers at a time; used graphical user interface; computer supported co- operative working (CSCW). Air condition not required.

Examples: PC- (Personal Computer)

                     LAN- (Local Area Network)

                     WAN- (Wide Area Network)

                   CSCW- (Computer Supported Co-

 Operative Working)

GENERATION-5 (Time- 1980-Present)

Hardware: ULSI (Ultra Scale Large Integration) Optical Disk

Software: Artificial Intelligence, Prolog, OPSS, Mercury.


PC, were assembled portable, power full desktop pc, and work station, less prone hardware failure, user friendly features-internet, E-mailing, air conditioning, not required .

Examples: Portable PCs, palmtop, computers, laptop.

CPU-Central Processing Unit

UPS- Uninterruptable Power Supply /

          Unit Power Supply

IT   - Information Technology

Read also: What is computer?, full form of computer, function of computer, What is the sequence of Data processing, Advantages and Disadvantages of computer.

Read also: Uses of Computer in our Daily life, 10 useful of computer in Different places.



  1. Very nicely described about generation of computer...
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