All computer full forms , Computer course related Full forms..



BIT-  Binary Digit

BIOS- Basic Input Output System

CGI-  Computer Generated Image

CPS- Character per Second

CRT- Cathode Ray Tube

CAD- Computer Aided Designing

CPU- Central Processing Unit

CU- Control Unit

KB- Kilo Byte

MB- Mega Byte

DOS- Disk Operating System

SIM- Subscriber Identification Modem

OBR- Optical Bar card Reader

MPS- Minute per Second

SPS- Stand By Power Supply

SMS- Short Message Service

VER- Version

SBN- Small Business Network

CD- Compact Disk

PCB- Printed Circuit Board

PC- Personal Computer

PDA- Personal Digital Assistant

PL/1- Program Language 1

PROM- programmable Read Only Memory

RGB- Red Green Blue

RAM- Random Access Memory

ROM- Read only Memory

ACPI- Advanced Configuration and Power Interface

API- Application programming Internet

ATM- Automatic Teller Machine

ALU- Arithmetic Logic Unit

AC- Alternating Current

APM- Advanced Power Management

AM- Anti meridian

CISC- Computer Instruction Set Computer

DVD- Digital Video Disk

DOC- Document

DC- Direct Current

DUC- Dial up Connection

DSL- Digital Subscriber Line

ECR- Electronic Card Reader

ENIAC- Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator

CM- Cable Modem

EDVAC- Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Calculator

ETC- Easy Transport Cable

EX- Explorer

EVM- Electronic Voting Machine

FTP- File Transfer Protocol

GIF- Graphical Interchange Format

GB- Giga Byte

GUI- Graphical User Interface

HTTP- Hyper Text Transfer Protocol

HTML- Hyper Text Mark of Language

IPL- Initial Programmed Leader

I/O- Input/output

IT- Information Technology

IBM- International Business Machine

IAS- Immediate Access Store

 ISBN- International Standard Books Number

IC- Integrated Circuits

IP- Internet Protocol

VRD- Voice Recognition Device

2G- 2nd Generation

3G- 3rd Generation

4G- 4th Generation

5G- 5th Generation

WIFI- Wireless Fidelity

Computer course related full forms

BCA- Bachelor of Computer Application

MCA- Master of Computer Application

DCA- Diploma in Computer Application

ADCA– Advance Diploma in Computer Application

IT- Information Technology

COPA- Computer Operator cum Programming Assistant

CSE- Computer Science Engineering

DCE- Diploma in Computer Engineering

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