Characteristics and feature of computer:
Computer are very fact there process millions of instruction for second the speed is related the amount of data process and the time it taken processing task.
The computer speed measure in
Nano second=10-9
It is capable of performing calculation of very large amount of data.
The computer has units of speed in microsecond, nanosecond, and even the picosecond.
It can perform millions of calculations in a few seconds as compared to man who will spend many months to perform the same task.
In addition to begins first computer are also accurate.
In addition to being very fast, computers are very accurate.
The calculations are 100% error free.
Computers perform all jobs with 100% accuracy provided that the input is correct.
Storage Capacity
Computer can store vast amount of information into from of file which can be recalled at any time.
This file helps in easy of storage in known as electronic storage system.
Memory is a very important characteristic of computers.
A computer has much more storage capacity than human being. It can store large amount of data.
It can store any type of data such as images, videos, text, audio, etc.
Computer are diligence as they can perform an complicated task accurately without working any easily.
Computer does not suffer for carelessness, tiredness, more over the efficiency doesnot decrese with there age.
Unlike human beings, a computer is free from monotony, tiredness, and lack of concentration.
It can work continuously without any error and boredom.
It can perform repeated tasks with the same speed and accuracy.
A computer is very flexible in performing the jobs to be done.
This machine can be used to solve the problems related to various fields.
At one instance, it may be solving a complex scientific problem and the very next moment it may be playing a card game.
A computer is a reliable machine.
Modern electronic components have long lives.
Computers are designed to make maintenance easy.
Computer is an automatic machine.
Automation is the ability to perform a given task automatically.
Once the computer receives a program i.e., the program is stored in the computer memory, then the program and instruction can control the program execution without human interaction.
Large volume of data can be handle by the computer with high degree of efficiency.
The processing capability does not decrease with increase in the value of data all the data is give for some kind of statement.
Information is of no relevance on less receive at the right time and accuracy has to great extend improve the timeline of the information.
No Feeling
It cannot make judgment based on feeling, taste, experience, and knowledge unlike humans.
No I.Q.
A computer is a machine that has no intelligence to perform any task.
Each instruction has to be given to the computer.
A computer cannot take any decision on its own.
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Best knowledge about computer characteristics.. 👍👍👍